
I posted this on InstaGram already but: You know you have arrived in Vegas when the hotel sends a limo to pick you up at the airport. I’m here for a conference for a few days, then Cheryl and I are off on a walkabout. That’s an old Crocodile Dundee reference, apologies to our younger readers, you’ll have to go look it up. More on that to follow.
First is the obligatory food picture. I was famished after getting off of the plane and needed a bump before dinner later. For those of you who haven’t been out west: first – get out there. Not necessarily here per-se (sp) but just travel this great country, it has so much to offer. Second: and the purpose for this statement is the time change for us east coast people. Three hours makes a difference. Last night, dinner was at 8 pm. That’s 11 pm to us and then people wanted to go out. This morning I woke up at 4 am – again, 7 am my time. The nice thing is you can get out and see things way before the tourists do. I know – I am one, but still….
The other two pictures are just shots up and down the strip, just to say I’ve been here.