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Category: Hula Girl

Hula Girl and Coffee

Hula Girl and Coffee

After dropping off some books at Editions Coffee and Books, Hula Girl wanted to check out Local Patriot Coffee in Kannapolis, NC. It’s in a great location across from the ball field and just down from Old Armor Brewing.

Here is some merch from the brewery they have. Clearly a theme going on.

Their patch board is overflowing. Hula Girl likes the vibe and looks forward to quenching her thirst sometime at the Brewery. Unfortunately, they don’t open till 3pm Monday through Thursday. She’ll just have to make another trip out this way.

Hula Girl

Hula Girl

Hula girl is helping with our next book. For those of you who don’t know. Hula girl took a trip across country with Gary and I; ending up in Joshua Tree California. She became a hit and people wanted to see more of Hula Girl’s adventures. So her exploits will become a recurring theme. I will also post some of her past travels so you can get an idea of just how cool she is.

Below is an example.

She enjoyed California but didn’t much care for the gas prices.