Spirit Animals

And a little interior cabin porn thrown in for your viewing pleasure.
And a little interior cabin porn thrown in for your viewing pleasure.
And finally a little cabin porn for you…because I care.
Quarantining in style.
The one on the left is not really to my taste, but cool in its own way. The second one screams Zombie apocalypse… which will work in our current situation also.
Covid-19 escape done right. The 6 foot rule is in effect.
Okay, that is mesmerizing….Wow again.
Unique – but not something I would want to live in full time. It would be fun for a weekend though.
I’d never leave….
Cozy and warm. There seems to be a theme in my posts this week. I’ll try to mix it up a little, but there is something appealing to my sole about these winter cabin scenes. Thanks for indulging.
Yes please…..
“Some people want a fast car, a big house and lots of money…Others want a cabin in the woods away from those people.” I’m a simple sort. Just add an old pickup truck and a tractor.